by Jaly Marquez
Every student has their quirks, but there a few things we all do, for better or worse. Here are a few things we found:
1. Sit in darkness until the teacher turns on the light
Yes, we are all guilty of looking like a bunch of little vampires before the teacher walks into our 8am class.
2. Assign themselves a seat
And yes, we all get mad when someone comes in and takes your spot. It’s a college rule, and even the teacher notices when you’re not in the same corner you’ve been in the past 15 weeks… so no its never okay to seat-swap…ever.
3. Look for free food anywhere
Where there is free pizza there is a student body. If you want a crowd for any campus activity, all you have to do is provide some much-needed free junk, be it food or toiletries; anything free is always a good thing.
4. Complain about money and loans
This one is pretty self-explanatory and all together boring and monotonous, so let’s move on.
5. Say they’ve “read” a book to the professor, and then look up the online summary
All you SparkNotes, Schmoop, andCliffsNotess fiends know who you are.
6.Wait the first couple weeks to see if they really need the assigned book. Never buy it regardless.
These required access codes are really changing the game but there hasn’t been one time when I regretted my decision to pass on buying a $180+ textbook “that we can always use later on in life too.”
7.Complain about the dining hall food but never the workers – the workers are awesome.
Even if the food is good, it’s bad. No matter how great the dining hall can be, it’s typically just a topic of discussion to always say it’s “bad.” But the staff there are always great, so thanks, guys!
8. Probably never take an 8am class after your freshman year.
I’ve taken many 9:30am classes but I try my hardest to avoid any and all 8ams. This internal need to sleep-in probably leads back to why I never make breakfast.
9. Make an elaborate and productive list for the day and end up taking a 6-hour nap instead.
It’s okay we all need sleep…even if you should’ve done laundry instead.
10. Read the syllabus to check the number – and length- of the assignments (you need to make sure you’ll be able to make it the whole semester).
We all count the first day of classes as a trial run…especially when you can’t find your teacher on RateMyProfessor.
Regardless of our bad habits, we’re still all trying our best to get through mountains of work while balancing a social life and (and work). Hang in there – we’re all right there with you.