“My favorite part about Thanksgiving is the enormous amount of food that is available for me to eat. The turkey, the stuffing, everything is delicious and I enjoy knowing this will be one meal I will be full after.”
– Matthew Prior, sophomore
“My favorite part of Thanksgiving is that I get to see my girlfriend. She goes to college two hours away at UNH and this break we will both be home and I’ll be able to see her and my family.”
– Evan Kenney, freshman
“The best part of Thanksgiving for me is getting home to see my friends and family; my mom is also a great cook so it’s good to get some homemade food.“
– Josh Costa, junior
“Every year on Thanksgiving I go down to Long Island to visit family. It’s going to be especially nice this year because we’ll all be back together after Hurricane Sandy did so much damage on Long Island.”
– Ben Pflum, junior