By Katrina DiCastro
Shortly after the New Year, stores like CVS and Wal-Mart start to fill their shelves with items for Valentine’s Day. From giant heart-shaped chocolate samplers to stuffed teddy bears with “I Love You” printed on the stomach, stores try to provide everything you need to give your valentine a little something special. But this can get pricey. What do you do when your wallet is empty but you want to show your significant other that you care? You get creative and make something.
As an avid pinner on Pinterest I have come across a lot of cute and special Valentine’s Day presents you can make while spending little to no money.
1. A Handmade Card

I <3 You Card:
This is as easy as it sounds. Head down to the library and grab some scissors and a piece of paper. Notice that the black-and-white photo has dotted lines and solid lines. Cut along the solid lines and fold along the dotted ones.
2. Pun on Words Card:Photo Credit RedstampThis is a little more colorful and creative; you can make a cute Valentine’s Day card that has a pun on words. Like this one, “Love Bug” with a ladybug on it! (

Other ideas:
-Hammer with nails- “I want to nail you”
-If your girlfriend/boyfriend is short- “Thanks for being my Valentiny”
-Squirrel with acorns- “I’m nuts about you”
-A book of matches with two matches left – “We’re a perfect match”
3. Baking your way to your Lover’s Heart:
A tube of Pillsbury cinnamon rolls can cost anywhere from $2 to $3. Nothing Valentine’s-inspired or special about them, right? They are just cinnamon rolls … Wrong! Instead of traditionally rolling up your cinnamon rolls in a circle, try forming them into a heart shape. What I did was I popped open the tube and separate them into their own cinnamon bun. Then I unraveled about 2/3 of the roll, this way the center of the bun is still rolled. I then moved the unraveled part inward and down into the part that was rolled. I pinched off the bottom into a point and viola!- a heart. This gets a little messy due to the cinnamon leaking from the inside of the roll to the outside, but they still taste amazing! Also, adding a touch of red food coloring to turn the frosting pink would be a nice touch!
4. A Public Display of Affection
Photo Credit Lee Cannon
Most people aren’t keen on PDA, but this is a sweet way to show your lover and everyone else how much you care! Place a large, brightly colored heart with your names on it somewhere public. Just make sure it’s someplace you know your significant other will see! (
5. Valentine’s Day Coupons:
I’ve seen these in the stores, and they are just as simple to make as they are to buy! Valentine’s Day coupons are a homemade gift that doesn’t require much thinking. For example, the one in the picture below says the coupon is good for one back rub. It has no expiration date and the back rub must be provided when asked for! Cute and easy. The best part about the present is that you decide what the coupons can be cashed in for!
Other ideas for coupons:
– A movie night
– A date night
– A day/night of sports watching