By Narra George
Fitchburg, MA- Fitchburg State University’s Communications Media and Industrial Technology programs present Arthur Miller’s classic “The Crucible” April 9th through the April 18th at the McKay Complex, located on 67 Rindge Road.
Miller’s unforgettable play uses history to teach audience members about the America we live in today. Set in the horrified atmosphere of the Salem witch trials, The Crucible follows the strenuous journey of John Proctor, an isolated farmer and repentant adulterer, who is constantly persecuted for his independent beliefs. The inescapable fear and repressed sexual hysteria threatens to swallow his entire life into a whirlwind of terror. The production, which includes a cast of 20 actors, is designed faithfully to the period in which it is set, but viewed through a distorted prism. The play is directed by Fitchburg State’s very own Professor Richard McElvain, a professional actor who will appear in an upcoming Jennifer Lawrence film.
Performances Dates and Times:
6 p.m. on Wednesday, April 8; Thursday, April 9; Wednesday, April 15; and Thursday, April 16
7:30 p.m. on Friday, April 10; Saturday, April 11; Friday, April 17; Saturday, April 18
2 p.m. on Sunday, April 12
All performances will take place in the Wallace Theater for the Performing Arts in the McKay Complex. Admission is free.