By Sylvia Agyeiwaa
Fitchburg State University Police offer self-defense classes to women for free. Are you interested in learning how to defend yourself in any violent case you come across? Then you may be interested in knowing about the R.A.D program. The R.A.D also known as the Rape Aggression Defense is a program of realistic, self-defense tactics and techniques that begin with awareness, prevention, risk reduction, and avoidance, while progressing on to the basics of hands-on defense training.This course is taught by certified R.A.D instructors who also work with the Fitchburg State University Police and includes a workbook which outlines the entire physical defense program for personal growth. The program is about a year or two old to Fitchburg state. The R.A.D program is available to all women and taught at many venues. This training is on Wednesdays from April 3rd to April 24th from 6 pm to 9 pm.
The program is taught over a period of 12 hours that consists of four evening classes of 3 hours each and happens at the Fitchburg State Rec Center. In a study by Psychology Today, when women take self-defense classes the amount of rape that occurs, decreases. According to Gun Facts, a chart shows how much women use physical force/self-defense is higher than all other categories.
The R.A.D System program is taught at over 400 colleges and police departments across the United States and Canada. The R.A.D Systems balances the needs of women to acquire self-defense education in a relatively short period of time with the lifelong commitment required for physical skill mastery.
If interested, Campus Police also offers this training to individual campus groups, clubs, departments and organizations upon request. This program also gives you a choice of taking individual classes by just contacting one of the University Police or Nicole Arcangeli by email at narcangeli@fitchburgstate.edu.