By Jaly Marquez
In this year’s Edible Book Festival there were a total of ten entries each representing a different book or form of literature. A few of the submissions came from library staff as well as some of our very own Professors. The entries stemmed from ones that were really creative while others used the ability to be “punny” to their advantage. For instance, Tyler Sullivan used the book written by Steve Hawkins, “History of Time,” and displayed it as a piece of paper describing how the herb thyme was introduced into society and therefore on top of the paper lay a few sprigs of thyme. This funny interpretation was heartwarming and creative. This festival took place on the first floor of the library and lasted a total of three hours before the pieces were dug into and shared among the rest of the students and staff present at the library.There were two judges present chosen specifically from the English office to walk around and observe the meticulously displayed treats to find the best literary interpretation. The students and staff were left with the task of choosing first, second, and third place. It was clear that picking one winner would be a hard task. Pens and paper were on hand and passed around to anyone willing to pick their favorite interpretation and it allowed the students to interact with the owners of the pieces to figure out where their creativity stemmed from or why they chose to create their piece in this way. By the end of the competition, there were clear winners as each prize was awarded a small ribbon stating which place they would take home. The first-place ribbon was awarded to “Lord of the Fries” which was created by Kelly Boudreau while the Best literary interpretation was given to the poop pie from the book “The Help.”