Sigma Pi’s Annual Charity Sleepout

Photo courtesy of Joey Phillipo.

Chris Gerhardt, Copy Editor

On Oct. 14, brothers from the Sigma Pi fraternity gathered together to raise awareness and money for the local homeless population in their annual “Sleepout for the Homeless” event. The event itself is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. Members of the fraternity camp out overnight on the quad in plain view of everyone walking to class.

This year the event started at noon on Thursday Oct. 14 and ran through to the next day ending at the same time. During that time members of Sigma Pi, including the Philanthropy Chair of Sigma Pi Jake Rackauskas, were also selling snacks and drinks to help raise money for North Star Family Services, a homeless shelter located in Leominster. Starting out as the Montachusett Interfaith Hospitality Network before changing the name in 2019, North Star Family Services acquired its current location in 2015 on 758 Main Street in Leominster just down the street from Johnny Appleseed Elementary.

“This is our third year without a break. We’ve done it the last three years and we’re hoping to keep it going.” Said Rackauskas when asked about how long Sigma Pi has held this event, and it is once again back to being the intended fully 24 hours after being unable to due to COVID-19 being a risk. The event itself is evidently one of the most enjoyable ones among the fraternity and fellow members were quite excited when Rackauskas brought it back after two years of the event not occurring. Aside from just raising money the members of Sigma Pi also construct and sleep out in a cardboard fort overnight.

This year “Sleepout for the Homeless” was able to raise roughly $400 dollars over the time where food and drinks were still being sold. The event also helps to give a strong sense of community as it brings so many people together to help those less fortunate even if by simply hanging out with the brother of Sigma Pi and helping to raise money.  

For those looking to aid further even with the event over, North Star Family Services has a few options for submitting donations or even volunteering to cook listed on their site.