The Rundown: Parking Committee Provides Insight on Fitchburg State’s Plans for Pearl St. Corner

The Student Government Association (SGA) of Fitchburg State meets on a weekly basis in an effort to “empower the student body and represent their issues and concerns.” Although these meetings are open to all students, attendance outside of the committee members is seldom seen. The Point believes that coverage over these events is necessary to keep the student body further informed on any developments and decisions occurring within these meetings that could very well impact student life on and off of campus.

April 11 Meeting

Executive Reports

After having some trouble with senators being unable or unwilling to participate in tabling hours and recruitment efforts, Student Trustee Allison Turner reported that some changes have been made to the ongoing election timeline. Dr. Hank Parkinson, advisor of the SGA, addressed the senate and stressed the importance of recruitment and elections.

“Folks, this is the future of your senate. We have two people running for [executive board] and six people for senate next year. So, there’s a problem, right?” Dr. Parkinson told SGA. “It means you have to work. You have to sign up for some tabling hours. My challenge to you is that if every one of you recruited two people, we could have a pretty decent sized senate. That’s not a lot to ask.”

Guest Speaker

Mary Beth Mckenzie, from the Parking Committee here at Fitchburg State, was welcomed by the SGA to talk about the current plans for the corner of Highland Avenue and Pearl Street.

“As you all know, we’ve taken down a couple of properties, houses that were sitting on those properties, and the question came up ‘what’s the intent for that space?’ and at this point, the plan is that it is going to be green space,” said McKenzie

McKenzie mentioned that Senator Seth Rigby had raised the question about turning the space into parking, which McKenzie claims goes against the original intent with the purchase of the properties.

“While there may be a demand for preferential locations, with regard to parking, we’re not seeing an overall growth in terms of the parking demand,” said McKenzie.

McKenzie explained that the properties on that corner will feature a grass lawn and fencing that will promote visibility in terms of the entry into campus and create another attractive entry onto campus, rather than the “rundown” houses that used to sit on the properties.

Liaison Reports

Secretary Matthew Messina proxied the report of Senator Joseph Czajkowski, Veteran Services Liaison:

“For the interim Veteran Services has been temporarily relocated. It will continue to be moved until the renovations for Thompson are completed. All their systems and services are fully operational.”

New Business

A motion to allot $100.00 to the Content Creator Club for club t-shirts was passed

A motion to allot $1,400.00 to the Gay Straight Alliance for the Gay Rodeo event was passed.

A motion to allot $273.00 to the Improv Club for club t-shirts was passed.

A motion to allot $500.00 to the BioChem Club for gear, equipment, and advertising was tabled for the next meeting.

Treasurer Juan Casilla then moved onto opening the 2023-2024 budget hearing process.

Secretary Matthew Messina enacted the judicial board on Senators Anthony DeLeon and Ashley Giron

April 18 Meeting

Executive Reports

President Miranda Gustin announces that this will be the last SGA meeting with this exact senate, as many senators are scheduled to graduate this upcoming May. President Gustin’s report didn’t include any official business, but rather, Gustin spent her time expressing her gratitude for her time in SGA, and her sadness in her departure from it.

“For those of you who do not know, I’m a first generation college student in all forms. I will be the first relative, including parents, siblings, aunts and uncles, cousins, and grandparents, to not only graduate college, but to step foot on a college campus. This journey has been a long and tedious one, one that oftentimes led to deadends and moments where I did not know—and sometimes still don’t know—what is next,” said President Gustin to all the senators, holding back tears.

“But one thing I do know is that my road has led me tonight here in front of you. As I leave you, I want you all to know that I have deep admiration for every single one of you. You all mean so much to me, and I want you to know that I know that you are all going to do great things. I know I’m sad to say goodbye, but I know that goodbyes aren’t forever, and I’m sure I’ll be back. […] But as I collect myself, I do want to say thank you.”

There were no Liaison or Committee Reports for the April 18 meeting, as it is the last meeting of the year.

Old Business

Treasurer Juan Casilla motioned to reopen the BioChem club’s request for a budget allocation, but was tabled once again due to the absence of a representative from the BioChem club.

New Business

Advisor Dr. Hank Parkinson announces that the budgets for the fiscal year 2024 are $26,506 for the income budget, $30,000 for the travel budget, and $20,000 for the overtime budget, which Dr. Parkinson explained is for police and retainers; and the total amount of allocation for fiscal year of 2024 is $400,000.

A motion to approve the constitution of the Writing Club was approved.

A motion to approve the constitution of the Chess Club was approved.

A motion to approve the constitution of the Crafting Club was approved.