By Tava Hoag
Route 2
Fitchburg MA- Fitchburg State’s own Literary Journal
is having a launch party for this year’s edition on Thursday, April 16th at 3:30 in the President’s Hall.
The annual journal is produced by students in the English Department. The journal publishes all kinds of work ranging from fiction and nonfiction to art, and poetry written by students. There is also a section reserved for upcoming high school aged writers from the local schools.
Route 2The launch party actually includes a recognition of the high school essay contest winners featured in
. Students who are published in this year’s journal will be doing readings of their written work. There will be copies available of the journal to be taken, read, and enjoyed by everyone who comes to celebrate.
Route 2All are encouraged to attend, and share in the joy of their peers.
route2@fitchburgstate.edualso is currently accepting submissions for next year in all categories of art, poetry, fiction, and nonfiction at
When & Where:
The President’s Hall on Thursday April 16 at 3:30.