By Megan Freeman
Fitchburg State University has been waiting in anticipation for a whole year to attend the annual event that gets everyone pumped—the dance show!
In Weston Auditorium, the FSU Dance Club will showcase their months of hard work and practice to give you a show you won’t forget! The date and time of the first show is on Friday, April 24th, at 7 PM. The second show is on Saturday, April 25th, at 4 PM. You’d better make sure to clear your calendar for one of the shows, because going to the show is well worth it! If you don’t know where Weston auditorium is, it’s up North Street and past the new science building. But even if you don’t know where it is, it’ll be hard to miss all the balloons lining the railing and the line of people waiting to get in!
Tickets are only 5 dollars per person, and can be picked up at the info desk in Hammond at any point before the show (don’t wait too long, though—they go pretty fast)! The dance club is also going to be selling baked goods at the Spring Show this year, so bring a few extra dollars and an appetite.
This is the second show that the Fitchburg State University Dance club will be putting on this year—the first was the winter show back in 2014. This time around, it’s the spring show, and months of planning have been put into it. If you’ve ever been in Thompson 102 while a dance group is rehearsing you’ve heard the loud music pounding underneath your feet from their rehearsals. The dancers in this show devote huge portions of their lives to make sure these performances are the best they can be. Anyone who’s seen the show before can testify that the dedication shows.
Most students who go to see the show wind up going to see someone specifically, to support their friends, but you don’t need to know someone in the show to appreciate the performances. Each dance group has their own individual dance routine that presents a story to the audience. When the dancers take the stage they are performers and the entire audience is entranced by the show. The dancers have elaborate costumes, and oftentimes their performance will have a theme. In the past, some of the groups within the dance club has done Pirates of the Caribbean, Disney, and more! The dance groups also tend to pay tribute to a popular artist by dancing to medley of their songs.
The dance club even likes to make the show interactive—during the last show, the dance club had their show’s host read comments from a live twitter feed about the performances during the costume changes. So if you bring your phone (or any other device that has access to Twitter) you can tweet your comments to the show and to the performers!
So don’t forget to go to the Dance show this upcoming weekend if you have time for it. Going to the dance show is an experience that you will not regret, and it’s a good way to show support for the dance club here at Fitchburg State!
pageWant to RSVP to the event? Check out their event
on Facebook to confirm your seat.