Written By: Sara Moller and Brittany Bernadini
Have you ever signed up for a class and then tell your friends who your professors are going to be, only for them to respond with: “Oh no not THAT Professor! You should take it with THIS Professor!”. If you have found this happens to you more frequently than you would like, then we have a solution! Today we will educate you on the beauty of the site: RateMyProfessors.com
With advising season upon us it is in your benefit to know who you should definitely take classes with, and who to avoid.
Rate my professor provides detailed reviews about a professor and their classes here at Fitchburg State University, as well as other colleges. The information can include how much you actually need the textbook(s), and how “hot” a teacher is. In our perspective, as upper class-men, Rate My Professor has never steered us astray, but for those that are skeptical, the best thing to do is look up professors you’ve had previously, and see how much you agree with the reviews. (For upcoming freshman, see RateMyTeacher.com to confirm this affirmation.)
Here are the top five professors in seven common departments. Each professor is rated on a scale from zero-to-five, with five being the best rating you can get.
Once you are on the website and find a professor of your choosing, (For this example it is Steve Edwards, a professor we have both mutually had) ,the website brings you to an individualized page with information of the highs and lows of the professor.
Underneath this section are written reviews ranging from a sentence to sometimes even a paragraph long describing the professor and their teaching style. The reviews are in chronological order, starting with the most recent leading to the not so recent.
If you don’t use RateMyProfessor.com, we recommend using it to have an idea of what you are getting yourself for the next semester.
If you do use RateMyProfessor.com, or have in the past, what are your experiences with it? Let us know in the comments section below.
10/10 Would Professor Again
March 31, 2016